Vectorfog® was established in the UK in 2009, and started supplying fogging equipment and pest control supplies.

  • 1991
    Founded in South Korea by Gyu Jo Yeom, an engineer in molecular technology.
  • 1995
    The company becomes OEM for Samsung Electronics.
  • 2008
    The company launches its first ULV cold fogger..
  • 2009
    A global sales office and European distribution center is established in the United Kingdom..
  • 2011
    Gains key supply contracts from international organizations including the UNDP (United Nation Development Program) and FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization).
  • 2012
    Launches a global market penetration initiative on its pest control equipment line. By the end of 2012, the company exports to over 70 countries and over 30 countries are major exporting countries.
  • 2013
    We open a new global logistics center in Jangsung, South Korea and adds a new line of fly traps and safety equipment lines.
  • 2015
    Vectorfog® opens a new sales office and logistics center in Miami, Florida, USA
  • 2017
    Vectorfog® opens a new sales office center in Los Angeles, California, USA
  • 2018
    Vectorfog® opens a new sales office center in East Windsor, New Jersey, USA
  • 2020
    Vectorfog® introduces a new exclusive distribution center in Oakville, Ontario Canada CONTACT US @ info@vectorfog.ca | 1.833.999.3662


VectorFog® – Canada – serving Canadian industries including wholesalers, distributors and government agencies that sell Business 2 Business, cleaning and disinfecting industries, urban pest control and agriculture industries. We built the best quality foggers on the market with quality samsung motors, UL parts and 1 year warranty on all foggers at very competitive prices. For a Vectorfog® distributorship inquires please contact us at info@vectorfog.ca or 1.833.999.3662 for more information.